About Me

Profile picture of Jose David Ortega Chávez

Research Interests

  • Political communication
  • Media & War / Media & Peace
  • Computational text analysis

I am a Lecturer in Media and Communication at the University of Winchester (UK). I conduct research on political communication, particularly on examining the role of news media in peace negotiations.

My work integrates computational methods, such as topic modeling, with qualitative approaches, such as thematic analysis, to analyse political discourse and news media coverage.

I completed my PhD at the University of Leeds (2022), where I examined the role of the Colombian news media during a peace negotiation (2012–2016) between the Colombian government and FARC through the lens of the mediatization of politics.

Before my academic career, I was a PR practitioner. I worked for GlaxoSmithKline and Burson-Marsteller desinging and executing media relations and internal communications strategies.